How do I find my coparent’s original message?
Yes. While we initially show you the filtered, child-focused message, the original message is stored and can be accessed. Here’s how you can view original messages sent by your co-parent, even if they’ve been filtered.
Filtered vs. Original Messages
BestInterest app filters messages to ensure that communication remains constructive and non-confrontational. However, the app also respects your need to see the unfiltered content for full context or legal purposes.
Accessing Original Messages
To view the original, unfiltered messages sent by your co-parent, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Message: Go to your messaging interface within the BestInterest app where you view your conversations.
2. Find the Filtered Message: Messages that were found to be "concerning" will have a warning icon.
3. View Original Content: Tap the filtered message to open a detailed view. Inside you will see the original message. If the message is considered concerning, you will need to tap once more to view the original.
Considerations When Viewing Original Messages
• Emotional Preparedness: Be mentally and emotionally prepared before viewing original messages, especially if the content was filtered due to harsh or triggering language.
• Legal Documentation: If you are collecting communication for legal purposes, such as evidence in custody proceedings, accessing the original messages can be crucial. Simply tap "Court Admissible Report" to print a copy of the original only.
• Privacy and Security: Ensure that your app settings and mobile device are secure to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive communications.
Tips for Handling Sensitive Content
• Discuss with a Professional: If certain messages are particularly upsetting, consider discussing them with a therapist or counselor to strategize the best way to handle the communication. You can tap "Send to Professional Team" from the message detail screen, even before seeing the original - which allows you to work with them on triggers.
• Set Boundaries: If seeing original messages is too distressing, you might choose to rely solely on the filtered content or adjust the filtering settings to meet your comfort level.
The BestInterest app provides a balanced approach by enabling you to access both filtered and original messages. It allows you to maintain healthy boundaries while staying informed about your co-parents' communications.